I know this blog is supposed to be for AP Lit, but this blog post isn't going to be. Last night was my last football game as a member of the SMHS marching band, and what a game it was. All I can say is that we played our best field show all season, and we probably had the most fun. I was given the chance to conduct both Sallies' band and ours when they played the National Anthem together as well. What an amazing experience! Also, My best friend Jen Staib came along to play with us in the stands. After the game, she told me that she was so happy to experience what it was like to be in marching band. I knew she wanted to say more but couldn't find the words to. The smile on her face and the look in her eyes, however, said everything. This just made me so unbelievably happy that Kara and I have made marching band her, as well as some other bandees, "Magic Kingdom", as Heidi Sarver said at The Drum Major Academy. I couldn't be more proud to be a part of that band, as well as lead it with Kara, who is such an amazing musician, friend, leader, and most importantly in this case, drum major. Thanks to everyone who has made marching band so wonderful and "bandtastic"-Kara Barbes, Merissa Cope, who has kept the spirit alive in our band and been the model band geek :), our director Mr. Bookout, Heidi Sarver, who directs DMA and such a wonderful band at UD that makes me unbelievably happy, and Johnny Young, who has not only inspired me to embrace marching band as much as I do, but also been such a great friend, drum major, and teacher when it came to leading our band. These people have kept the spirit alive in me when all I could do is cry. There is so much more I wish I could say, but I just cannot find the words.

This is a mini DMA reunion with the drum majors from Downingtown East
Merissa and me on the band bus yesterday
Jen and I <3
Our senior picture after the game and drum off last night. Priceless. You will be missed!
*Eyes with Pride*
P.S. Here is a link (that one of the dm's at DMA posted on facebook) to one of George N. Parks's videos as he was "teaching" a class of future drum majors at his Drum Major Academy. And for those of you who don't know who he is, George was possibly the most inspirational, talented, and spirited bandee out there. I'm so sorry that I couldn't meet him. R.I.P. George, and thank you for everything.
This made me smile the whole time I was reading it. Band is more than the music. It's friends, hard work, tears, sweat, and counting. It's family and fun :) I'm glad that I got to be a part of it. And very inspirational video.